Maps API

Maps API (or Mapping APIs)

Develop maps, search addresses, build routes, and analyze

Maps API also knows as Mapping APIs is built to develop custom location-based solutions, maps, analyze geodata. With Geoapify APIs you can build a solution from the beginning as well as extend an already existing solution. Register now and start using for free or try the APIs in our Playground.

Comprehensive List of Geoapify Mapping APIs

Explore our suite of APIs designed to enhance your mapping and location-based applications:

Map tiles icon

Map tiles

OpenStreetMap-based map tiles in vector and raster format. Use our code samples and project templates to start quickly. Learn more >>

Static maps icon

Static maps

Generate a static map picture with markers. Use marker icons generated by Marker Icon API. Learn more >>

Marker Icon API picture

Marker Icon API

Generate beautiful map markers. Choose a form, color, and icons (Font Awesome and Material Icons). Try it >>

Geocoding API picture

Geocoding API

Search addresses and coordinates. Apply location filters or set the bias to get accurate results. Use our Autocomplete components (Javascript, React, Angular). Learn more >>

Batch Geocoding picture

Batch Geocoding

Batch API lets you send up to 1000 requests at once and save up to 50% of costs. Learn more >>

Places API picture

Places API

Search amenities and points of interest. You can query places by bounding box or within a geometry generated by Isolines API or Geometries API. Learn more >>

Routing API picture

Routing API

Build a route between a pair or multiple points. Optimize the route by length or by time. Learn more >>

Isoline API picture

Isolines API

Calculate a reachability area for a location to get how far can you go within a certain time or distance. Learn more >>

Geometries API picture

Geometries API

Perform geometry operations, for instance, union or intersection, on polygons and multi-polygons generated by other APIs. Try it >>

Maps, location, and analytics for developers

We made Maps API easy-to-use, flexible and scalable


Maps API return results in the GeoJSON format which is supported by most client libraries, including Leaflet, Mapbox GL, and OpenLayers.


We created the API Playground for each API. There you can try the APIs without registration, generate request links, and observe results.

Code samples

We added Code Samples to help you start quickly - JavaScript, React, Angular, Vue. Moreover, most of the code samples have a JSFiddle version.

GitHub projects and NPM packages

We prepared GitHub projects and NPM packages for you. Check our template projects and Geocoder Autocomplete libraries.

Use cases

Here are some examples of Maps API or Mapping APIs use cases
Maps API for Smart city

Smart city

Geodata and analytics play one the most important role in Smart city construction. Being able to answer the main question "Where?" location intelligence and Maps API became an essential tool in the industry. Learn more>>

Mapping APIs for Logistics and Delivery

Logistics and delivery

Route optimization is one of the core features of Mapping APIs. But it's not only it! Location intelligence is used to build dashboards and track assets, reachability maps are very helpful during the planning phase. Learn more>>

Maps APIs to get travel ideas

Travel and tourism

Location intelligence may help to find travel ideas, their alternatives, and choose the best destination place. Analyzing geodata and statistics reveals the main trends and allows making forecasts. Learn more>>

World map

Ready to get started?

Get an API key for Free and start using Maps API!