Blog | Page 9

OpenStreetMap as Geodata source
Use cases

OpenStreetMap as geodata source

OpenStreetMap is the biggest open geodata source. What kind of data does it contain and how easy can the data to...
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Import data from an excel file to a map

Create a map from Excel data with Mapifator

Spreadsheets or Excel files is one of the most popular ways to represent and exchange data. The reason why it prevalent...
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Coronavirus outbreak data

Visualizing time series data on the map

Learn how to visualize series data on a map with Mapbox GL map library. We used Covid-19 statistical data to...
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Search places in Chicago with Nominatim
Maps API

Nominatim geocoder

Nominatim geocoder is a free, open-source address search engine that you can run on your own computer, even without...
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Show places on a map as pins

5 steps to create a map with pins

Visualize multiple locations on a map with beautiful and interactive pins. It's very simple with Mapifator Map Story! In this...
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Nominatim and Photon geocoder
Maps APICustom services

Nominatim vs Photon geocoder

Looking up a location given free-form address is one of the most frequent operations on geospatial data. Almost every business...
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