OSM Database Extracts: Cities, Towns, Villages, Hamlets Dataset Welcome to the OSM Database Extracts dataset, which contains information about cities, towns, villages, and hamlets extracted from the OpenStreetMap (OSM) database. This README file will provide you with essential information about the dataset, its contents, and how to utilize it effectively. Dataset Overview The dataset contains data extracted from the OpenStreetMap (OSM) database as of June 2023, providing a snapshot of cities, towns, villages, and hamlets at that time. Tags Extracted The OSM Database Extracts dataset includes information about the following tags extracted from the OpenStreetMap (OSM) database: place=city: This tag indicates that the location is classified as a city. place=town (place=town;village): This tag indicates that the location is classified as a town. place=village (place=village;hamlet, place=village;locality, ): This tag indicates that the location is classified as a village. place=hamlet (place=isolated_dwelling;hamlet): This tag indicates that the location is classified as a hamlet. These tags provide information about the type or classification of each location in the dataset, enabling you to categorize and analyze the data based on different geographical classifications. https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key%3Aplace Dataset Contents The OSM Database Extracts dataset consists of multiple archives, each representing cities, towns, villages, and hamlets for a specific country. Each archive is named after the corresponding country code, following standard country code conventions. The dataset is stored in the NDJSON (Newline Delimited JSON) format, where each line represents a separate entry with the data described previously. Each line in the NDJSON file contains information such as: osm_type: Specifies the type of the OSM object, which is "relation" in this example. osm_id: The OSM ID uniquely identifies the location entry within the OpenStreetMap database. name: The primary name of the location other_names: This field contains translations of the location's name in different languages. Each translation is specified using a language code (e.g., "name:de" for German, "name:en" for English) followed by the translated name. display_name: The display name provides a concatenated string that includes the primary name, the county, state, and country information. address: This field provides additional address-related information, including the city, county, state, regional identifiers, country, and country code. population: The population field indicates the population count of the location. location: The latitude and longitude coordinates of the location are provided in this field as an array, with the longitude followed by the latitude. bbox: The bounding box specifies the geographical extent of the location using the minimum and maximum longitude and latitude values in the format [min_lon, min_lat, max_lon, max_lat]. Licensing The OSM Database Extracts dataset is derived from the OpenStreetMap database, which is licensed under the Open Database License (ODbL). When using this dataset, make sure to comply with the terms and conditions of the ODbL license. https://www.openstreetmap.org/copyright Contact Information For any inquiries, issues, or feedback related to the OSM Database Extract contact us at info@geoapify.com